Air Zimbabwe 777

Air Zimbabwe 777 Jet
Sub menu Air Zimbabwe. Fleet Air Zimbabwe Full fleet in PDF format Photos Air Zimbabwe Fleet age of Air Zimbabwe Flightlog Air Zimbabwe (54 flights) To see details about aircraft, click on to the number in the appropriate column in the table below. Boeing 777 Boeing 777.
Air Zimbabwe 777 Flight

Tendai Mugabe, Harare Bureau. GOVERNMENT has bought Air Zimbabwe two modern Boeing 777-200ER aircraft from Malaysia with the first landing in Harare yesterday and being handed over to the airline. Air Zimbabwe currently flies two Boeing 767s and one 737. “Air Zimbabwe must put their house in order, and as long as they don’t put their house in order, these planes I can lease to any third party who can pay treasury the lease fees for the utilizations of the aeroplanes,” Chinamasa said.
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Air Zimbabwe's second Boeing 777-200ER (Z-NBE, msn 28422) has finally arrived. The 282-seater plane was picked up on Saturday (October 3) at Harare's Robert Gabriel Mugabe International Airport by Zimbabwe's Minister of Transport and Infrastructure Development Biggie Matiza. It joins the first aircraft in the same segment received by the national carrier last January.
The two planes came from a lease order negotiated by former Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe with Malaysia Airlines while he was still in office. They were originally intended for Zimbabwe Airways, the future national carrier disbanded by current head of state Emmerson Mnangagwa. Its assets were eventually transferred to Air Zimbabwe.
In February, Reggie Saruchera of Grant Thornton, director of the loss-making carrier, reported that nine companies have already expressed interest in leasing the two 777-200ERs. 'Activation of this lease will provide the foreign currency income necessary for Air Zimbabwe to expand its current aircraft fleet with an option to purchase or lease smaller aircraft,' he argued.
Air Zimbabwe currently operates a 767-200 (Z-WPF) and a 737-200 (Z-WPA). She is awaiting the return of her only Embraer ERJ145, sent to South Africa for a C-Check. Its decommissioned fleet includes one 767-200, one 737-200, three MA60s and two A320-200s.