Gsn Bingo

Have you tried the new Free game from GSN yet? If you haven’t, you have to try the New Wheel of Fortune Bingo! I am having so much fun!
Gsn Bingo Bash Login
I have been playing this constantly (yes I should be doing dishes or something, but what fun is that?)! I haven’t won a puzzle yet, but I have won quite a few tokens! 🙂 I love that we can play it for Free!
Gsn Bingo Video

This is my first Bingo I scored which took me to the bonus round where I won a bunch more tokens! Here were my total token winnings for that round! I’m off to play again! 🙂 Come join the fun!
Gsn Bingo Blitz
WALTHAM, MA — GSN Digital, the interactive division of GSN, today announced the launch of Wheel of Fortune BINGO on The new game combines classic Bingo gameplay with the familiar imagery and gameplay of television’s Wheel of Fortune, satisfying fans of America’s #1 game show and Bingo fanatics alike. Compete in real time against millions of live Bingo players & WIN BIG @ Bingo Bash by GSN! Play with Power Plays and complete collections to win huge rewards for daubing all the bingo balls.