Blackjack Pc Game
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We are proud to present our second online blackjack trainer with the added ability to assist in learning the art of card counting, this is our first. This is meant as an advanced tool, for those who have mastered basic strategy and are looking to perfect their card counting skills.
The brand new MEmu 7 is the best choice of playing BlackJack 21 - Online Blackjack multiplayer casino on PC. Prepared with our expertise, the exquisite preset keymapping system makes. The only application you need to master both Basic Strategy and Card Counting. Blackjack All-In-One Trainer has 3 modes; Play, Train and Simulate. Reduce the advantage the casinos have. If you're looking for a free online blackjack game then look no further. Classic Blackjack has everything you could want from a blackjack app designed so you can have endless hours of fun for free! Just like the real thing in a casino but from the comfort of your home without the risk of losing any money. What is Classic Blackjack? No chip buying, just jump right in and play Blackjack completely free! Also called 21, Blackjack is one of the most popular casino games in the world. With a beautiful and intuitive design, you.
Under the 'adjust rules' menu you may select the rules of the game, deck penetration, table limits, as well as several card counting strategies. You may also enter your own strategy. The game will keep a running and true count according to the strategy you choose. By clicking 'analyze' you can determine the odds for any situation according to a perfect combinatorial analysis.
It is our goal to enable you to get the odds in your favor when playing blackjack, be it online or at your local establishment by playing for free here before risking real money at the casinos.
Online Blackjack Bonuses
We constantly maintain a database of all the casino bonuses from the hundreds of online casinos we have reviewed, and we note which bonuses allow blackjack to count towards the wagering requirements. The below table shows a ranked list of the best money online blackjack bonuses, the ranking also takes into consideration wagering requirements, bonus amount offered, the quality of the site and more.
Rank | Casino Name | Bonus | % | Wager | Cash | Code | Casino Name | Bonus info | |
1 | King Billy Casino | 🧙 | $100+100 spins | 200% | 1000xB | ||||
King Billy Casino | Bonus | 🧙$100+100 spins | |||||||
% | 200% | ||||||||
Wager | 1000xB | ||||||||
Code | |||||||||
2 | Sloto'Cash Casino | 🧙 | $33 | - | LCB33 | ||||
Sloto'Cash Casino | Bonus | 🧙$33 | |||||||
% | |||||||||
Wager | - | ||||||||
Code | LCB33 | ||||||||
3 | Win A Day Casino | 🧙 | $68 | - | FREE68LCBN | ||||
Win A Day Casino | Bonus | 🧙$68 | |||||||
% | |||||||||
Wager | - | ||||||||
Code | FREE68LCBN | ||||||||
4 | Las Vegas USA Casino | 🧙 | $11000 | 100% | 90xB&D | WIZARDBONUS | |||
Las Vegas USA Casino | Bonus | 🧙$11000 | |||||||
% | 100% | ||||||||
Wager | 90xB&D | ||||||||
Code | WIZARDBONUS | ||||||||
5 | Old Havana Casino | 🧙 | $11000 | 100% | 90xB&D | WIZARDBONUS | |||
Old Havana Casino | Bonus | 🧙$11000 | |||||||
% | 100% | ||||||||
Wager | 90xB&D | ||||||||
The Casino Vérité suite of Windows Blackjack software hasbeen reviewed by many of the card counting experts. Blackjack softwarereferences and awards are provided on this page. No phony, anonymous quoteshere. These are the top Blackjack authors. For a recent Blackjack softwarereview see AP.COM Review.
'This is outstanding software. It is the best, most realisticcasino Blackjack practice software I have seen. Any player, regardlessof skill, will improve his game using Casino Vérité Blackjack.I highly recommend it.'
'The depth of practical analysis possible with CVCX is really impressive, and as if that weren't enough CVCX also comes with thousands of selectable pre-run sims that explore all the combinations of rules, number of decks, systems, betting ramps and target goals commonly seen. There's virtually no practical aspect of the game that CVCX cannot simulate. In my opinion, it's the most powerful software ever developed to enable players to select those games, playing systems and betting strategies that virtually assure the maximum possible winning advantage.'
- Bryce Carlson. Author: Blackjack for Blood; Developer: OmegaII System
MITMike (2004 World Series of Blackjack Champion)
'As a manager of the MIT Blackjack Team I've trained many players,and I have to say that Casino Verite has no peer when it comes to BJpractice software. If you're serious about taking your knowledge andunderstanding of blackjack to the next level, I strongly recommend theCasino Verite suite.'
Mike Aponte: 2004 World Series of Blackjack Champion, Professional Blackjack Coach —
SemyonDukach (MIT Blackjack Team)
'We always wrote our own simulators from scratch on the MIT BlackjackTeam in the 90's, because we found all the existing software at thattime to be severely lacking in functionality and power. That's why whenI evaluated CV and all its components, I was extremely surprised atwhat it could do. Not only did it fully match, and in some areas surpass,the power and flexibility of our custom simulators, but it made thewhole process of evaluating and comparing different games and strategiesintuitive, simple, and a downright pleasure to use. We now recommendCV to all students taking our Blackjack Science Seminars.' (Seminarsno longer available)
Semyon Dukach; Former President, Amphibian Investments (MIT blackjackteam); President, Blackjack Science.
'His suite of Casino Vérité products has becomethe gold standard in Blackjack simulation software.'
- Donald Schlesinger: Author: Blackjack Attack: Playing the Pros' Way,Author: The Gospel According to Don (BJF column for 12 years)
'Casino Verite has long been the best imitation of actual casinoplay possible with a computer.' ''s way out ahead ofthe competition.'
CVData is 'The top Blackjack simulator on the market today, barnone.'
'The best shuffle-mapping software, however, in my opinion, isNorm Wattenberg's CVShuffle.'
Arnold Snyder. Editor: Blackjack Forum; Author: Blackbeltin Blackjack; Author: Blackjack for Profit; Developer:Red Seven & Zen
'Today there are very sophisticated modern methods of learningfrom computer software. The industry standard is Casino Verite Blackjack,a truly amazing program that has a myriad of tools for both beginnersand pros.'
'Compared to card counting, there is probably less than 1 percentas much written about shuffle-tracking. A good resource if you are interestedin learning this complicated technique is the Casino Verite Blackjack softwarepackage.'
Kevin Blackwood: Author: The Counter, Author: Play BlackjackLike the Pros
'The number one Blackjack practice software.'
'A fantastic practice and research tool.'
Rick Blaine: Author: Blackjack Blueprint
Acknowledgements: 'Norman Wattenberger,proprietor, Casino Vérité.His CV Blackjack continues as a classic in its field. If there is amore proficient 'sim' master in the U.S., that person has yet to surface.' (Norman Wattenberger quote)
Richard Epstein: TheTheory of Gambling and Statistical Logic, 2nd Edition
'There's a resource section in the back of this book with someother helpful books and support, most notably the Casino Véritésoftware, which I would recommend hands down.'
Hollywood Dave Stann: Author Hollywood Blackjack

'Casino Véritéhas become a metaphor for Blackjack.' (At the Blackjack Ball.)
Max Rubin: Author: Comp City—AGuide to Free Gambling Vacations
'Without any doubt in my mind, Norm's CasinoVérité computer software is the best computer blackjackproduct on the market. One can practice at almost any level--from basicstrategy to an advanced counting system--and be shown his/her mistakes.'Lastly, all sorts of simulations can be run with CVData whichwill show potential long-term results with almost any blackjack gameone might play with virtually any strategy employed.'
Stuart Perry: Author: Las VegasBlackjack Diary
Nathaniel Tilton
'We decided to buy an important piece of software - a powerful simulator, Casino Vérité, that could be customized for dealer speed, payoff mistakes, rules variations, and counting systems.'
Nathanile Tilton: Author: Blackjack Life
'The important statistical results in the book were verified usingcomputer simulations. Norman Wattenberger’s excellent Casino VéritéCVShuffle was used for these simulations.'
David McDowell: Author Blackjack Ace Prediction
'I know of no other blackjack game software anywhere that incorporatesthe level of detail Casino Vérité does.' 'Outstanding.Highly Recommended. Casino Vérité Blackjack is the hottestgame playing software available anywhere.'
Michael Dalton. Editor: Blackjack Review; Author: Blackjack:A Professional Reference
'I believe it to be the most comprehensiveprogram for actual casino play.'
'Your products are not only great, but thefollow up & updating of said programs is the best.'
- Ralph Stricker: Author: Silver Fox BlackjackSystem- -You Can Count On It; Developer: Silver Fox System
'The Casino Vérité Blackjack program by QFIT isthe best blackjack practice software I have ever used. Take this froma computer scientist who has attempted to review every blackjack softwareprogram on the market....' 'Casino Vérité Blackjackis the most realistic and enjoyable blackjack game on the market.'
Miles Saugen. Reviewer: Blackjack Confidential Magazine
Blackjack Pc Game Download
'I believe any serious player or team captain should own thissoftware. There's no other simulator that can match its sheer speedor features in today's market.' (about CVCX)
'If I had to choose only one sim package, CVData ver. 3 wouldbe the one' (about CVData)
'...the best practice tool I've ever used.' (about CVBJ)
- George C.: Author Shuffle Tracking for Dummies; Developer: UnbalancedZen
'The best software currently on the market is Norm Wattenberger’sCasino Verite. '
Anthony Curtis: Publisher: Huntington Press, Las Vegas Advisor
'Learning is made quick and easy by the use of Blackjack softwarecontaining flashcard drills. The only Spanish 21-friendly product onthe market is Casino Verite Blackjack by Norm Wattenberger, which isconsidered the most advanced and accurate Blackjack software available.'
Katarina Walker: Author: The Pro's Guide to Spanish 21 andAustralian Pontoon
'Computer software is available that enables you to practice countingat home (I like Casino Verite by Norman Wattenberger.) This approachis far less expensive than cutting your teeth in the casino.'
Ian Andersen: Author: Burning the Tables in Las Vegas
'This software produces hundreds of differentstatistics for just about any set of rules, betting strategies, andplaying strategies. For the player who wants to run these tests, thissoftware is the best there is, in my opinion.' (about CVCX)
Michael Shackleford: 'The Wizard of Odds'
'This is the best practice software forBlackjack. It's an invaluable tool for beginners and experienced playersalike.'
Mike Turner: Author: Bootlegger's 200 ProofBlackjack
'My gratitude is extended to Norm Wattenberger.The computer simulations I ran to provide data for this text come rightfrom his invaluable Casino Verite software package.' (about CVData.)
John Bukofsky: Author: Blackjack: Play Likethe Pros
BlackjackSoftware Awards
BlackjackForum Magazine
'Best Game Play Software' 'Best Tournament Software'
(The above are awards earned in the 'Software Wars' articlein Blackjack Forum Magazine.)
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'Best Card/Casino Game'
(This award was earned in the ZDI Shareware Awards.)
'Casino Verite Blackjack is as close as you'll come to honingyour skills at the real tables.'
PC Magazine
- 'Planning a trip to Las Vegas? Casino VeriteBlackjack, a super-realistic Windows game, will help you get ready.'
PC World
'Blackjack games don't usually seem complex, but Casino Veriteoffers an amazingly sophisticated gaming engine.'
'A big help was a software program calledCasino Verite. It allowed me to play hypothetical hands of Blackjack.Whenever I made a mistake, the computer would emit a razzy-soundingbuzz.'
- 'Quite simply, Casino Verite is the best blackjack practice softwareever created. It allows you to practice every aspect of blackjack playwith an emphasis on casino realism.
Whether you're a beginner learning basic strategy, or an advanced playeradding multi-parameter techniques to your card counting arsenal, you'llfind this software to be just what you need.'
('s sister site is whichincludes the Blackjack forum for tournaments.)
'This is a program that does it all and you will not outgrow it.If you are a serious blackjack player, this is the program for you.'
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'Quite Simply, the best Blackjack Software available anywherefor any amount of money.'
'This is hands down the best Blackjack software I've seen.'(CV V2.1)
- 'There are a lot of Blackjack games available, but you will not finda more realistic and complete one than Casino Verite.' 'CVSIMBlackjack Simulator is a high-speed Blackjack simulator that's sure toentice even the most sophisticated gambler. It offers helpful wizards,more simulation options than you ever imagined possible, and a familiarinterface.'
'Casino Verite is Blackjack for the serious BJ player. If, likeme, you thought Blackjack was a pretty simple game - with a couple ofdecisions and a lot of luck, you are sadly mistaken. For BJ can be athinking man's game - and Casino Verite takes it to the extreme.'
For the review see BestBlackjack Software Review.
Free Blackjack Games For Fun
CV or its author is now mentioned in 24 books. Clickfor the list.
Shareware Five Star Awards
CV has received over 50 five-star awards fromvarious Windows shareware websites. In all honesty some of these aresilly. Many shareware sites regularly award them to every program withouteven looking at them. I've listed a handful here if anyone cares:
Windows Blackjack Software overview at BlackjackSoftware.