Blackjack 6 To 5

American casino's ruined roulette with the extra '00' and the abandoning of en prison rule. Now they're trying to ruin blackjack.
I was in Vegas in May and sat down to play blackjack at a 6 deck shoe in Bally's. I was shocked that they had tables with 6 decks paying 6 to 5 for blackjack. I asked the dealer about it and he confided to me that it was a brand new policy the casino was trying it due to the rough times and if they are successful will keep it like that. Other dealers I talked to there were shocked and weren't even aware of the policy yet. But as we all know the casino's are unfortunately full of fools. The tables were getting pretty heavy play.
Please, please, please stop sitting at any blackjack table that pays 6 to 5 for blackjack. More importantly, tell your friends what a rip-off it is. Nip this nonsense in the bud. Nip it. In the bud.

Blackjack 6 To 5 Payouts


6:5 Blackjack – these blackjack tables pay 6/5 every time you have blackjack. If you have a natural 21, you won't receive the standard blackjack payout of 3:2, you'll get 6:5. This puts the player at a distinct disadvantage by adding 1.39% to the house edge. A quick example will illustrate 6:5 blackjack.

I was shocked that they had tables with 6 decks paying 6 to 5 for blackjack. It was a brand new policy the casino was trying due to rough times.

A very foolish move by casinos to seek out ignorant tourists as victims to be shorn rather than giving players a fair shake for their money. What is worse is that the casinos even put this in large letters on their marquees and get away with it simply because there are too many customers who don't know and don't care.Blackjack 6 To 5
Rough times? Treat your customers that way and ofcourse there will be rough times.
It is so true that 6:5 is stupid short-sighted casino marketing/management. The loss of market share can already be seen with careful analysis of casino by casino blackjack play data, although I have not seen anything in public yet. A couple of the factors casinos are ignoring are 1) the damage to Vegas' long term reputation and 2) the coat-tail effect of objective advisors to big groups: these days preliminary research and pilot trips are based on enthusiasts' complaints. There are lots of deals on rooms, and no pro is going to risk putting a close group into a rip-off joint like 6:5.
A big problem is there are 'players' and 'tourists.'
  • In this video, blackjack expert, Henry Tamburin, gives details on why you should never play blackjack games that pay you 6-to-5 for a blackjack, rather than.
  • For example, if you find a blackjack table that pays 6 to 5 on a blackjack (a “natural”), run away. The house edge in that game, assuming all other rules are equal, is 0.4062% plus +1.3597% for a whopping 1.7659%. The change in house edge alone is more than three times the original blackjack house edge.

Players can be tourists but most tourists are not players.
A tourist shows up on the strip, goes into the fist casino they see and say, 'why not give blackjack a try?'
A player checks the rules and picks the table that is best for them.

Blackjack 6 To 5 Payout Chart

I had a discussion on this with a friend of mine and it was useless. He said 'How much difference is it anyways? I play for entertainment and expect to lose.'
All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others
I hope I stay anonymous here...
I did it, played 6:5 at 4Queens. I received 15$ in chips for 10$ and then found out, no 5$ table paying 3:2, so I did it.
Please don't tell anybody.
Casinos are losing my money because of it. I move from table to table a lot, and many casinos have so many 6-5 tables that there are only a handful that I can play. When I run out of 3-2 tables, I move on.

Las Vegas Blackjack 6 To 5 Payouts

6:5 is usually offered at low level entry games (lowest min offered by the casino). Plenty of good 3:2 games are available everywhere. Almost all games above entry-level are 3:2 (except at a handful of casinos).
The 6:5 games are not losing money or turning people off to blackjack, nor are they ruining the game. Quite the contrary, 6:5 offers a low priced opportunity for players to have a blackjack experience that they might not otherwise be able to afford. Typical casinos on the strip could not afford to have that price-point of blackjack offered at 3:2. And, the more players who want to play blackjack, the fewer tables will be taken out and replaced by slots or carnival games.
I think most do not understand the market forces at work here.

I think most do not understand the market forces at work here.

Perhaps not. I'd still rather they pay 3:2 and do some monkeying around with the more obscure rules if they need a higher house edge though I sure think the expense of a dealer is not going to break the casino. If the casino wants the five dollar 6:5 trade all they really have to do is offer 3:2 and comp at a lower rate.
On-edit: Some places now offer Even-Money-Blackjacks. You win but you still just get even money, not even 6:5. I can just see the casino marguees with their flashing lights and foot-tall letters: 'Now paying 5:5 on Blackjack' and the tourists not being able to realize that 5:5 is 1:1 which is even-money which is a heck of a bad bargain.
When that happens, there will be forum-posters longing for the bygone days of 6:5. I think those 'market forces' are more corporate greed than anything else.
Last edited by: FleaStiff on Nov 9, 2009

Some places now offer Even-Money-Blackjacks.

The phrase 'some places' elicits a vision of a back-alley type of place.
I was at Sahara recently. One side of the room had $1 minimums on BJ and paid even money on bets up to $4 and 6:5 for bets of $5 or more. The other side of the room had $5 minimums with 3:2 pay for BJ.
Oh, one more thing: Even if you were betting $5, they don't scan your player card at the $1 tables.
I understand the casinos desire to add to their edge, and I think it will eventually backfire.
BlackjackPersonally, I think the casinos have planned for that day. When it comes, they will proudly announce 7:5 BJ!
I invented a few casino games. Info: ————————————————————————————————————— Superstitions are silly, childish, irrational rituals, born out of fear of the unknown. But how much does it cost to knock on wood? 😁
This 6/5 'trend' is very representative of industry shortsidedness IMO. I wonder if any of the majors have definitive numbers on the cost benefits to such change. HET has bought in big time. It just reminds me of when the lawyers took over the music business from music people and the accountants did the same with domestic autos from car people. Are there that many ploppies to prey on? Word of mouth can be a powerful force in marketing.
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